Mimi Atkins (Chiropractor & Owner )

B.Chiro - New Zealand College Of Chiropractic, DACCP

Mimi Atkins chiropractor

Mimi was first introduced to chiropractic at age 11 by a chiropractor family friend who helped resolve her chronic headaches. Over the years she saw many others experience a range of positive health benefits through adjustments. After a car accident as a teenager resulting in a fractured spine and pelvis Mimi realised the importance of proactive, holistic health care. She became inspired to follow a career that could empower people to improve their level of health and give them faith in their bodies ability to heal and function.

After studying at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic she returned home to Queensland to practice, eventually moving to Alice Springs in 2018. Mimi has completed her basic Yoga teacher training and incorporates this with her clients as well as teaching some beginner classes.

She has also done further training in kinesiology, Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), pregnancy and cranial adjusting and has recently completed a 2 year post-graduate diplomate in paediatric chiropractic through Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics (ACCP)

Mimi has 2 year old twins who take up most of her time, but when there is a free moment she enjoys yoga, pilates and hiking. She has a keen passion for food and is always experimenting with healthy, delicious recipes.

Mimi is now based in Katherine and on maternity leave. She does see some patients, please contact her directly on 0414 876 596 for information about the Katherine clinic.

Tiarna Evans (Chiropractor)

B.Sc(Chiro) M.Clin.Chiro - CQU, DACCP

Tiarna Evans chiropractor

Tiarna completed her chiropractic studies through Central Queensland University and spent her first few years practicing in South-East Queensland before moving to Alice Springs in 2022.

She has a background in remedial and sports massage where she developed a passion in helping people achieve their health goals, before naturally gravitating towards chiropractic’s holistic approach to function and wellness. Tiarna has completed further training in pregnancy, paediatrics and different manual, low force and cranial adjusting techniques. She has also completed a 2-year post-graduate qualification in paediatric chiropractic through the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics (ACCP).

Tiarna enjoys working with people and families of all ages and walks of life, and has a keen interest in pregnancy and women’s health. Tiarna is passionate about continuing to learn and explore how regulating the nervous system and improving the body’s mind-body connection can benefit not only our neurodevelopment as we grow as children, but our ability to continue to live a functional, fulfilling and vital life as we continue through each stage of our lives. She appreciates how enhancing the body’s function can both help improve and prevent injuries and pain throughout our day to day.

In her spare time, Tiarna enjoys hiking, playing netball and cricket, and having brunch dates with good food and company.

Book an appointment with Tiarna Evans today!

Meet Your Chiropractor